St. Peter (2005) is a historical drama film that follows the life of Saint Peter, one of the twelve apostles of Jesus Christ. The movie depicts his journey as a disciple, his experiences with Jesus, and his eventual martyrdom in Rome during the rule of the Roman Empire. It explores Peter's struggles, faith, and dedication to spreading the teachings of Christ.
In the midst of a plague, a lonely priest must confront his fears when faced with an ominous knock at the door of his abandoned church.
The Search for the Lost Manuscript: Julian of Norwich (2016) is a documentary that delves into the quest to find a missing manuscript written by the prominent medieval mystic and theologian, Julian of Norwich. The film showcases the efforts of historians, theologians, and archeologists as they unravel the mystery surrounding the lost manuscript and its potential significance to the understanding of religious history. Throughout the documentary, viewers are exposed to the complexities of religious hypocrisy, the struggles faced by women in society, along with the controversies that arise within the early church.
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