Overlord (2015) is a TV show set in a dystopian future where the main character becomes trapped in a virtual reality game called Yggdrasil. In this game world, he takes on the persona of his character, a powerful wizard named Momonga. As Momonga, he must navigate through a kingdom filled with monsters and magic, all while trying to find a way to escape and return to the real world.
Maoyu: Archenemy & Hero is set in a world where humans and demons are at war. The story follows the Hero as he embarks on a journey to defeat the Demon King. However, when he meets the Demon King, he discovers that she is not the evil being he expected. Together, they form an unlikely alliance to bring peace to their warring nations.
In a world where mushrooms have decimated the people of earth, a doctor gets caught up in a conflict between the survivors' government and a band of revolutionaries.
A LEGO stop-motion animated short film featuring a heartfelt story of self-acceptance centered around Kai, the Elemental Master of Fire from the TV series LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu.
AMPM is a dystopian and experimental film in which analog TVs, through sound and imagery waves, have the power to transfer the user to an alternative reality based on their unconscious.
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