The Specials is a satirical comedy film that follows the lives of a group of B-list superheroes who struggle with their personal and professional lives. The team, known as The Specials, attempt to maintain their superhero personas while dealing with relationship problems, infidelity, and the pressures of their day-to-day lives. Despite their lack of fame and recognition, The Specials are determined to save the world from various villains and protect humanity. They must learn to work together and overcome their personal issues in order to fulfill their superhero duties.
An introverted office drone tries to navigate through corporate America, and one tragic day he meets his match. He then realizes he needs to play the capitalistic game in order to survive. His pain and confusion is your laughter.
Second in the series, dysfunctional friends Adam and Quentin are on the road, taking care of business in their own inimitable fashion.
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