In the year 2149, the Earth is overpopulated and polluted, forcing scientists to develop a way to travel back in time. The Shannon family becomes the first to go back to the prehistoric era and join a colony known as Terra Nova. They must navigate the dangers of the past while trying to save humanity and protect their own family.
In Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, a group of friends set out on a camping trip but find themselves in a battle against a powerful alien who intends to destroy the world. They must use their strength and power to stop the alien and save the planet.
Armored Fleet Dairugger XV was an anime series aired in Japan from 1982 to 1983. It is also referred to as Dairugger 15, Dairugger XV, Armored Armada Dairugger XV, Armored Squadron Dairugger XV, or Machine Platoon Dairugger. In the United States, it was heavily edited to become part of the Voltron series. The Dairugger footage was the primary source for the "Vehicle Voltron" episodes, though various footage was also inserted into the more commonly known "Lion Voltron" episodes.
In a dying world, Kaena, a teenage girl, goes on a perilous journey to save her home planet. She must battle alien species, overcome betrayal, and uncover a mysterious force that holds the key to survival.
In the 2030s, Earth is suffering from a global infertility epidemic, leading to a dying world. A time-traveler from the future arrives to change the course of history and save humanity.
In the movie Flight To Mars, a reporter named Steve compels a scientist to reveal details of an upcoming expedition to Mars. Once on Mars, the crew crash-lands and discovers an underground civilization of Martians. As the crew explores the underground city, they face intrigue, betrayal, and the impending doom of the Martian civilization. Will they be able to find a way to escape and return to Earth?
In Starship Invasions, a dying alien race invades Earth with the intention of conquering and annihilating humanity. A group of humans, led by a brave scientist, must fight back and save the world from doom. Set in a futuristic backdrop, this low-budget sci-fi movie showcases a galactic war filled with explosions, space battles, and violent encounters. Can they prevent the extinction of the human race?
As her home dies around her, a young woman must learn trust again to escape her fate.
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