When the Wind Blows is a movie set in post-apocalyptic England, where an elderly couple tries to survive after a nuclear war. Despite their naivete and lack of preparedness, they cling to hope and attempt to follow the government's advice on surviving the aftermath. As they face various challenges like radiation sickness, lack of food and water, and the devastation around them, their determination and love for each other is put to the ultimate test.
Maria and Tom are in their thirties and have been married ten years. They live in a small town. Both find professional fulfillment in their jobs he in a design company, she at the town hall. They are working together on the decoration of their apartment and are expecting a baby. It seems that nothing is capable of disturbing their peaceful lives. But one day the mayor, who has long lusted after Maria, rapes her. She decides not to report this to the police. Nor does she tell her husband. From that day forth, their love is put to the test.
This short follows two duck hunters in the Sacramento River Valley.
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