Set in the Dutch East Indies in the year 1946, this historical drama follows a Dutch soldier as he navigates the complex and controversial struggle for Indonesian independence. With tensions rising between local rebels, Muslims, Christians, and the communist movement, the soldier finds himself torn between duty and compassion.
In the 1930s, a doctor in colonial Dutch East Indies struggles with his own beliefs and the superstitions of the native tribes as he fights against deadly diseases like the plague. Set in Sumatra and Java, the doctor navigates through the jungle, facing challenges of black magic and witchcraft, while also dealing with jealousy, atheism, and the conflicts between different religions and tribal customs.
An Englishman sought for murder, tries to escape fate to South Seas island.
Kartini: Princess of Java is a biographical drama that tells the inspiring story of Kartini, a young princess from Java who lived in the early 20th century. Despite being born into an aristocratic family and facing the social hierarchies and traditions of the time, Kartini was determined to fight for women's rights and girls' education. The movie portrays Kartini's struggle against colonialism and her brave efforts to challenge the arranged marriage system. Through her perseverance and feminist ideals, Kartini became a national hero and an icon for women's empowerment in Indonesia.
This Technicolor portrait of Jakarta was filmed when it was called Batavia and formed part of the Dutch East Indies colonial empire. The film portrays the daily life of citizens and the relaxed atmosphere that prevailed at the time. We see Batavia's Amsterdam Gate, built by the Dutch around 1664, along with the strong influence of Dutch architecture upon other buildings, streets and waterways.
The New Rulers of the World is a documentary that delves into the effects of globalization, exposing the unequal power dynamics between corporations and developing countries. It examines the exploitation of workers, economic inequality, and the consequences of foreign investment. The film sheds light on issues such as sweatshops, worker exploitation, income inequality, and the corruption that often accompanies corporate takeovers.
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