Mississippi Grind follows the journey of a middle-aged man named Gerry, who is deep in debt due to his gambling addiction. In a chance meeting, he crosses paths with Curtis, a young poker player who seems to have all the luck. Together, they embark on a road trip through the American South, visiting casinos, horse races, and poker games, hoping to turn their luck around. As they bond over their shared love for gambling, their friendship is put to the test as they face their own demons and make risky bets.
Happy Accidents is a romantic comedy with a sci-fi twist. Ruby Weaver believes in fate, until she meets Sam Deed - a time traveler from the year 2470. As their relationship unfolds, Ruby questions whether Sam is truly from the future or just an eccentric man with an elaborate story. With themes of premonitions, time paradoxes, and changing the future, Happy Accidents takes viewers on a unique and heartwarming journey.
A circus wild animal trainer searches for the son who was taken away from him by a meddling relative years earlier.
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