In Barbie: Fairytopia, a young fairy named Elina embarks on a journey to save her fairy kingdom from an evil fairy. Along the way, she encounters giant flowers, giant birds, mermaids, and dryads, all while exploring a fantastical world. With the help of her friends, Elina must use her courage and magic to overcome the challenges and restore balance to Fairytopia.
During World War II, four siblings are sent to live with their eccentric uncle in the countryside. While playing hide and seek, they discover a magical wardrobe that leads them to the mythical land of Narnia. There, they join forces with the talking lion Aslan to defeat the evil White Witch and restore peace to Narnia.
When a young boy is relentlessly bullied at school, he discovers an ancient tree in the nearby woods that holds a powerful guardian known as The Birch. With The Birch's help, the boy embarks on a journey to seek revenge against his tormentors, unleashing a force of magic and terror.
An alternative presentation of the Dior Autumn-Winter 2020 Haute Couture Collection.
Spring is coming, but Old Man Winter isn't ready to retire for the year.
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