Cat Ballou is a spirited, comedic Western that tells the story of a young woman named Cat Ballou who seeks revenge after her father is murdered by a corrupt sheriff. Along the way, she enlists the help of a drunken gunslinger and a group of outlaw misfits to bring justice to the Wild West. Filled with laughter, action, and a touch of romance, Cat Ballou is a unique blend of comedy and Western.
When talk show host Wally Sparks gets involved in scandalous affairs and blackmail, comedic chaos ensues in this screwball comedy.
Out West is a comedy western short film that takes place in the Wild West. It follows the adventures of a group of bandits, a bartender, and a stowaway as they face various challenges such as falling off cliffs, engaging in shootouts, and jumping onto moving trains. The film also explores themes of cheating, drunkenness, and Native American culture.
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