In this dark comedy, a father and son duo, Steptoe & Son, get involved in various comedic situations. They face financial struggles, scams, and even find themselves in the middle of a horse race business. As they navigate through their misadventures, they encounter blindess, dead bodies, and drunken doctors. The film explores the working class family dynamic with a touch of humor.
In the movie Shark (1969), a group of treasure hunters embark on a dangerous expedition in search of gold, facing intense rivalry and the threat of a great white shark. The plot revolves around a love triangle, greed, and the quest for the ultimate treasure.
Tropical "heat" drives a man into the arms of a disreputable tramp, making things tough for the woman who really loves him.
A coming-of-age tale with a difference about the grumpy doctor Annebarbel Buschhaus donning her ice skates again at the age of 58 after an absence of 40 years. Back on the ice, she tries to revive long suppressed childhood dreams – and makes a new friend, Jolina Kuhn, Berlin’s youth figure skating champion. Through her new friend, Annebarbel begins to open up and break away from her dominant mother.
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