Sakuran (2006) takes us on a mesmerizing exploration of the lives of geishas and courtesans in Edo-era Japan. The story revolves around a young girl named Kiyoha, who is sold to a brothel at a young age and rises through the ranks to become a top-ranking courtesan. As she navigates the complex world of tea houses, banquets, and cat fights, Kiyoha must confront her own desires and search for love amidst a society that objectifies and commodifies women.
Black Legion is a movie set in the 1930s, focusing on a Polish-American machinist who joins a secret organization called the Black Legion. The organization promotes hatred towards immigrants and minorities. As the protagonist gets deeper into the organization, he faces the consequences of his actions, including violence, guilt, and the destruction of his personal life.
In post-World War II New York City, an advertising salesman navigates the cutthroat world of Madision Avenue while trying to maintain his integrity and find love.
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