In Crows Zero II, a high school graduate named Genji Takiya seeks revenge on a rival gang called the Serizawa Army who caused his friend's death. Genji enrolls in a rival high school, Suzuran All-Boys School, to challenge Serizawa and his gang. With his determination and hand-to-hand combat skills, Genji battles against Serizawa's loyal followers in order to establish his dominance and bring justice to his friend's death.
Oh, Ramona! is a coming-of-age comedy that follows the story of a teenage boy named Andrei who is infatuated with his dream girl, Ramona. Throughout the movie, Andrei tries to overcome his shyness and navigate the complexities of relationships, friendships, and sexual frustration.
After a group of teenagers accidentally kills a clown during a prank gone wrong, the clown comes back from the dead and goes on a bloody murder spree to seek revenge.
Two Orphan Vampires follows the story of two vampire orphans as they navigate their way through the challenges of their existence. Set in Paris, France, the film explores themes of drama, fantasy, and horror. The orphans, who are also blind, struggle to find their place in the world and come to terms with their vampiric nature. As they uncover secrets about their past and encounter various characters including a mother superior and an eye doctor, they are faced with choices that will determine their destiny.
Two Birds is a controversial and provocative coming-of-age drama that follows a teenage boy's journey of sexual awakening. Set in a small port town, the film explores themes of teen sexuality, drug use, and the complex emotions that come with growing up.
High school is almost over and four friends are going their separate ways as they go to college. But they have one more chance to spend some time together: Inspection 12, their favorite band, is playing one last concert in Jacksonville, FL.
Hughes, a pizza delivery boy and Star Wars nerd, discovers he has the ability to use The Force. With his newfound powers, he sets out on an adventure to save his favorite movie franchise from a dark and cheesy fate. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and comedic situations.
A 16-year-old boy grows up in the '60s, experimenting with life, sex, drugs and alcohol.
Mads and Kristian spend a summer weekend with their girlfriends at a summerhouse by the sea. When Mads and his girlfriend have a fight we find that Mads may love someone else more.
Sara and her nanny Yarisa have a relationship that seems to transcend their class conditions: they are the closest thing to a daughter-mother, but an accident will test their intimate loyalty and the innocent illusion of never separating.
Madeline and Cooper are college students living in the same building, but met outside a party house mile away. After an awkward attempt at sex, Madeline asks Cooper to stay over leading them to become friends over next 2 days.
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