In the Name of the Italian People is a satirical comedy set in Italy during the 1970s. The story follows a judge who investigates a murder that has been disguised as suicide. As he delves deeper into the case, he uncovers a web of corruption and deceit. Along the way, he encounters various eccentric characters and navigates the complex world of Italian politics and justice system. The movie combines elements of comedy, drama, and mystery to provide a satirical commentary on the society and politics of the time.
Belushi (2020) is a documentary film chronicling the life and career of famed comedian John Belushi. The film explores his rise to fame on Saturday Night Live, his success with The Blues Brothers, and his struggles with drug addiction and manic-depression. Through archive footage and interviews with friends and family, this documentary provides an intimate look at the beloved comedian and the tragedy of his untimely death.
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