Mysterious Girlfriend X follows the story of Akira Tsubaki, who becomes fascinated by a mysterious girl named Mikoto Urabe. They develop a strange bond through Mikoto's saliva, which Akira tastes to understand her emotions. As their relationship grows, they face various challenges and navigate the complexities of young love.
Mega Babies follows the hilarious adventures of three super-powered infants with outrageous bodily functions, as they use their unique abilities to save the day. With plenty of scatological humor and superhero shenanigans, this animated series is sure to keep you entertained.
When fastidious detective Scott Turner inherits a slobbering, mischievous dog named Hooch, they reluctantly become partners to solve the murder of Turner's friend.
When Beethoven is mistaken for a rich and pampered St. Bernard, he is abducted and held for ransom. With the help of his brother, sister, and friends, Beethoven must escape and find his way back home.
In a small Mississippi town, a black man is falsely accused of murder, leading to a racially-charged trial that uncovers the town's deep-seated prejudice and social injustice. A teenage boy and an attorney set out to expose the truth and bring justice to the wrongly accused man.
In the small town of Beachville, four children embark on a mission to bring Christmas cheer to their new neighbor, whose family recently lost everything in a fire. Along the way, they face hilarious mishaps and learn valuable lessons about the true spirit of the season.
Drool is a comedy-drama movie set in the American South. It follows the story of a woman who is trapped in an abusive marriage and decides to escape with her teenage daughter and a new neighbor. Together, they embark on a road trip, encountering various adventures and challenges along the way. The movie explores themes of friendship, family relationships, and the search for freedom.
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