Charlie Bartlett, a charismatic and resourceful teenager, takes it upon himself to become the unofficial therapist for his fellow high school classmates. Using his intelligence and charm, he dispenses advice and prescriptions for their various personal and emotional troubles. Along the way, Charlie navigates his own struggles with love, family, and identity.
The Traffic Policeman is a comedy movie set in a city where poverty is rampant. The story follows a man who works as a traffic policeman and his hilarious encounters with the people in the city.
The movie revolves around the feud between two half-brothers and their rivalry for power and vengeance. It explores themes of love, hate, anger, and family relationships. The plot also involves police investigations, organized crime, and suspenseful moments. The movie tackles the loss of father and dysfunctional family dynamics. The story builds up to a climactic boxing match and intense confrontations.
Nothing bores Dana more than her job as a guard in an Egyptian museum. But when she falls into a sarcophagus with undercover investigator Nils, she suddenly finds herself in the investigation of the suspected art dealer Johannes Brecht. To make matters worse, she stumbles across a corpse in Brecht's garden, which suddenly disappears again. Chaos reigns and Nils has to trust Dana, because she has become indispensable to him...
Suburban Australia in the late 70s. It was the era of the drive-in movie, the Chico Roll girl and the beloved FJ Holden. Boasting drunken fist fights, back seat sex, illegal drag racing, a classic Oz rock soundtrack (featuring Ol'55, Skyhooks and Renee Geyer) and the screen debut of future star Sigrid Thornton. THE FJ HOLDEN forged a strong connection with 70s mainstream youth audiences and today
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