Fireworks is a crime drama movie set in Tokyo, Japan. It follows a retired detective who is diagnosed with terminal cancer and sets out to avenge the death of his daughter. The story explores themes of grief, cynicism, and loneliness as the detective gets involved in illegal activities and takes on the yakuza. Along the way, he forms unexpected friendships and confronts his own mortality.
An alcoholic civil servant wakes up under a cherry tree in Tokyo next to a bar hostess with whom he's impulsively made a suicide pact. Though he's now changed his mind, he agrees to travel with her to Hokkaido, her preferred site for ending it all.
Industrial Hitachi City is the location for this post-3.11 drama. Still recovering from the tsunami, Shiori receives news of her husband’s accidental death, which marks the start of a personal recovery that mirrors the town’s for Shiori as well as forgiveness of surviving coworker Takumi.
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