Feast of the Seven Fishes is a heartwarming comedy-romance that takes place during Christmas in an Italian-American family. The story follows the events of Christmas Eve in the 1980s, focusing on a working-class family living in rural Pennsylvania. The film explores themes of love, family, and tradition, as well as the challenges and joys of growing up and finding oneself. As the family gathers together to prepare the traditional Feast of the Seven Fishes, tensions rise and old wounds resurface, but ultimately they find joy, laughter, and love in each other's company.
Emilia, a romance novelist, returns home to reconnect with her children, Taylor and Zach. As they navigate new and past relationships through a dating app, they discover the importance of love, family, and commitment.
Russell Gates (David Strahairn) is a Vietnam vet on death row for killing a policeman. His childhood sweetheart, Pam O'Brien (Sissy Spacek), is stunned to learn this and does not believe he could commit such a crime. She writes to him much to the dismay of her husband Keith and becomes obsessed with the case, exploring every avenue that may still be open to the doomed man. The trips to the prison take a toll on both her marriage and her family.
Lucy, a woman with intimacy issues, navigates through personal growth and romantic relationships while facing challenges and discovering her true self.
The Freebie is a movie about a married couple who agree to have one night where each can have a sexual encounter with someone else. The experiment leads to unexpected consequences and challenges their relationship.
Natalia and her friends go out one night out and end up subjecting a man to their sexual will. An essay on violence that revolves around three themes: power structures, machismo and the media.
After returning from the Iraq war, a man faces the challenges of reintegrating into civilian life in a small Texas town. Haunted by his experiences, he must confront his trauma and reconnect with his family amidst marital problems and personal struggles.
A smart, attractive, ER physician, Beth, turns to an internet site for medical personnel to share the frustrations of her job and the stress of her family life and connects with someone. When they meet in person, Beth is surprised to find that Finn is a woman. The next thing Beth knows, she's awaking in Finn's bed not knowing what happened.
Hughes, a pizza delivery boy and Star Wars nerd, discovers he has the ability to use The Force. With his newfound powers, he sets out on an adventure to save his favorite movie franchise from a dark and cheesy fate. Along the way, he encounters various obstacles and comedic situations.
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