Hateship Loveship is a drama and romance movie that explores the intertwined lives of characters dealing with themes such as betrayal, forgiveness, and redemption. The movie tells the story of Johanna, a shy housekeeper who becomes entangled in a love triangle when she falls for a man named Ken and becomes the victim of a practical joke. Through unexpected events, Johanna learns to navigate the complexities of love and human connection, ultimately discovering her own strength and resilience.
Titicut Follies is a banned documentary film that exposes the horrific conditions and treatment at Bridgewater State Hospital. It highlights the abuse, neglect, and mistreatment of the patients, including convicted pedophiles, schizophrenics, and individuals with paranoid schizophrenia. The film also explores themes of anger, involuntary commitment, and the controversial practice of psychiatric commitment. It features scenes of patients standing on their heads, dressing a dead body, singing, and engaging in extreme-unction. Other notable elements include cigarette smoking, a bathtub scene, a priest, and a man undressing. The documentary sheds light on the dark reality of this prison-like asylum, sparking controversy and leading to its classification as a psychotronic film.
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