Chapi Chapo is a French short stop-motion series. Created by Italo Bettiol and Stephano Lonati, with music by François de Roubaix, it premiered in 1974 on RF Television and ran for 60 5-minute episodes. The show aired on American television in the 1980s as part of Nickelodeon's Pinwheel. It was named "Chapi Chapo" as a play-on-words with the French word, chapeaux, which means "hats". Both of the main characters wore oversized hats that matched their clothing. The one in red is Chapi and the one in blue is Chapo. Each episode ends with a little dance.
Gianna Maria Canale as the Duchess who is offered a banquet and requests for a hard-boiled egg. The stingy Spanish lord, who used his last gunpowder to fire a salute to the noble lady and thus has no more when a bunch of pirates, led by Nadir, launches an attack against his castle. Nadir is the dashing fiery hero.
A psychiatrist plots to murder his wife so he can be with his mistress, but his wife mysteriously disappears before he can carry out his plan.
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