In this classic hand-drawn animated film, an old man goes on a mountain adventure filled with comedy, jazz music, and unexpected encounters with various animals. The story follows the mishaps and hilarious situations the old man finds himself in, including a chase with a skunk, the rescue of a damsel in distress, and a playful interaction with a goat. With a touch of jazz and a hint of slapstick humor, this movie takes the audience on a fun-filled journey.
A snooping reporter at a college newspaper angers a rival sorority, so they steal a statue before its unveiling to get revenge, leading to a sorority vs. sorority brawl. Co-eds end up tearing each other's clothes off.
When Thelma is stopped by a cop for speeding, she tries to get out of it by telling him that she and Zasu are on their way to the hospital.
Coal miner Esaias Coolman returns to Finland from his working years in America.
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