Dead of Night is an anthology film consisting of five supernatural horror stories, framed within an overarching narrative. The film features stories about a ventriloquist and his evil dummy, a haunted mirror, a ghostly child, a racing driver who has premonitions of his own death, and a man trapped in a recurring nightmare. As the stories unfold, the characters begin to question their own sanity and the reality around them.
The only entertainment for 10-year-old Aya, a domestic helper, is some TV and her fantasies about the sea. With her handicapped neighbor, she seeks a way to make her dream come true.
When Joe, a hold-up man, tries to rob Mary, a nightclub hostess, she winds winds up knocking him out. She takes pity on him, however, and nurses him back to health. He decides to go straight and marry her. Mary buys a $1000 Liberty Bond as an investment, while Joe saves up and buys a taxi to start his own business. Then Maisie, Mary's wild and money-crazy sister, shows up, which leads to tragedy.
In Victorian England, Lady Brentley's newly widowed sister is in shock and denial after the death of her husband. Lady Brentley, a free-thinking young woman, embarks on a mission to convince her sister that life is still worth living. Through a series of events and experiences, Lady Brentley shows her sister the opportunities and joys that still await her. Along the way, they navigate societal expectations, feminism, and the complexities of their relationship as sisters. Will Lady Brentley succeed in dispelling her sister's grief and inspire her to embrace the future?
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