Dragons: Race to the Edge (2015) is an animated TV show that follows Hiccup and his fellow dragon trainers as they explore new territories, encounter new dragon species, and face dangerous threats. They embark on a journey to an uncharted island called the Edge, where they discover a mysterious artifact that holds great power. Together with their loyal dragons, they must protect the artifact and navigate the challenges of the unknown. With action, adventure, mythical creatures, and a touch of comedy, Dragons: Race to the Edge is an exciting series that captivates viewers of all ages.
Hiccup and Toothless find an ice cave with new dragons and a Dragon Rider. They must protect their village from a battle with a madman and his dragon army.
After discovering another Night Fury dragon, Hiccup and Toothless embark on a quest to find the Hidden World, a Dragon Utopia, before the tyrant Grimmel can reach it. Along the way, they face challenges, encounter new dragons, and strengthen their bond. As they navigate the treacherous journey, Hiccup and Toothless must confront their destinies and make sacrifices to ensure the survival of their kind.
DreamWorks Dragons follows the adventures of Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III and his dragon Toothless as they explore new lands and fight against dangerous enemies. Together with their friends, they navigate through epic battles and thrilling adventures.
Twins Dak and Leyla lead a team of five dragons on adventures to protect the dragons and humans around their adopted home of Huttsgalor. Rescued from a shipwreck at a very early age by a mother dragon who raised them alongside her own son, Winger, the twins' goal is to pay forward their mother's kindness by helping those in need.
Follow the adventures of a cowardly wizard and his unlikely hero companion as they travel through a magical world filled with dragons, spells, and humorous mishaps.
In the Kingdom of Alagaesia, a farm boy named Eragon finds a dragon's egg, making him the chosen one to protect his people from the evil King Galbatorix. With the help of his mentor Brom and the rebel group Varden, Eragon embarks on a journey to fight against the sorcerer Durza and Galbatorix's army, in a quest for freedom.
Dragon Rider is a heartwarming animated film about a young dragon rider named Firedrake who embarks on a dangerous journey to the Himalaya Mountains to find a mythical dragon sanctuary. Along the way, he must overcome various challenges, make new friends, and face his worst nightmare in order to protect his dragon kind. This epic quest is filled with magical creatures, friendship, and a battle against darkness.
In ancient Southeast Asia, a young warrior embarks on a journey to reclaim his father's throne and save his people from an evil sorcerer. Along the way, he must face mythical creatures, fierce battles, and personal sacrifices.
Dragon Flyz is a television program created by Gaumont Pictures that ran for approximately two or three years. The program centered on a coalition known as the Dragonators, a set of humans who ride on Dragon-back in search-and-rescue operations. A line of toys named DragonFlyz, based on the series, was released by Galoob. Dragon Flyz - Children's ITV television programmes © GMTV Ltd. MCVICVI
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