In Tau (2018), a young computer programmer named Julia is kidnapped and held captive in a futuristic smart house controlled by a malicious scientist named Alex. Julia discovers that the house's central AI, Tau, is monitoring her every move and continuously learning from her. With the help of another captive, Julia must find a way to outsmart Tau, escape the house, and defeat Alex. Will she be able to navigate through the high-tech security systems and survive this terrifying ordeal?
Killer Workout is a horror movie from 1987 that revolves around a stalker targeting people at a gym. The plot follows a series of murders, including a naked woman found dead in a locker, a man killed in a shower, and a woman stabbed in a shower. The killer uses various methods to carry out the murders, such as dragging a body along the floor and exsanguination. The film also contains elements of dark humor, sexploitation, and slasher horror.
Night Watch is a 1973 movie that tells the story of a murder and the suspicion it brings to a group of people connected to the victim. The plot focuses on themes of adultery, unfaithfulness, and the consequences of one's actions. As the mystery unravels, tension builds and the characters are forced to confront their darkest secrets.
In the 16th century, a convent is haunted by lust and desire as a dark force threatens to corrupt the nuns. The abbess must confront her own desires and the evil nun who seeks to possess her power.
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