In the Arms of My Enemy is a gripping drama set in 19th-century Russia, exploring the complex relationships between characters from different social classes. The story revolves around love, betrayal, and redemption in a time of great turmoil and poverty. The plot follows the lives of various individuals as they struggle to navigate through a world divided by class and driven by greed and ambition. Amidst this backdrop, personal relationships are tested and the characters are forced to confront their deepest desires and darkest secrets.
Life on the Rock never seemed easy, but for Mitsy it is especially rough. The teenager has been abandoned by her mother, a particularly unfit parent prone to both the bottle and the sex trade. She is left to be brought up by her mercurial grandmother Bride, who is well-meaning but oppressively suffocating. Mitsy's dreams for the future hinge on her desire to be a hairdresser, but her current emotional well-being revolves around a wee dog named Sparky, an unwanted canine misfit to whom she becomes hopelessly attached. After Bride agrees to let Mitsy take the dog in as a pet, the teen tries desperately to create a happy, safe place for Sparky to thrive.
Champion is a "diamond in the rough" story about a dog named Scout, a cattle dog who decided she didn't like herding cattle. Scout's owner, Billy, a rancher struggling to stay in business, pegs her as a useless, broken tool and has every intention of replacing her. But when the rancher's city slicker granddaughter, Madison, spends the summer on his ranch, the two outcasts form a special bond that ushers Scout into the new arena of Dog Agility Competition.
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