In a post-apocalyptic future, a band of evil gang members known as the Templars roam the wasteland, dragging innocent victims behind their vehicles for sport. When a group of mercenaries known as the New Barbarians try to stop them, they are plunged into a world of carnage, death, and revenge.
In a post-nuclear war world, a hero known as Stryker must traverse a scorched-earth landscape filled with bandits and danger. His mission is to rescue his captured brother and avenge the death of their family. Along the way, he faces various obstacles including car chases, fights, and a scarcity of water. Stryker's journey through this dystopian wasteland becomes a test of survival and resilience.
In She-Devils on Wheels, a girl gang of motorcycle-riding she-devils seeks revenge for their mistreatment by rival gangs. They engage in action-packed adventures, including motorcycle racing, knife fights, and decapitations. The film explores themes of sexism and exploitation, and is a cult classic in the psychotronic film genre.
In Thunder, a Native American Vietnam vet, played by Mark Gregory, returns to his reservation in the southwest. Seeking solace, he starts a reign of terror on the town, determined to avenge the wrongs done to his people. The film showcases themes of racism, exploitation, and revenge.
A repo man tries to deliver a repossessed Jaguar. He's captured by a bizarre family, straight out of the backwoods, who force him to fight in an illegal, bare-fist tournament run by an insane sheriff.
Chantal Akerman investigates the American Deep South through the story of a lynching and grisly murder of an African-American man that took place in Texas in 1998.
A mild-mannered man's problems with his domineering wife and mother-in-law lead to complications with the law.
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