Hancock's Half Hour is a British sitcom that follows the misadventures of Tony Hancock, a downtrodden man with delusional aspirations, and his friend as they navigate through various comedic situations. Despite their constant unemployment and ignorance, they always manage to find themselves in hilarious scenarios involving addresses, libraries, blood donations, and more.
In the year 2026, the city of Metropolis is divided between the wealthy planners and the impoverished workers. The son of the city's mastermind, Freder, falls in love with Maria, a working-class prophet who predicts the arrival of a savior to unite the two classes. As Freder discovers the harsh realities of the workers' lives, he joins forces with Maria to lead a rebellion against the oppressive rulers. Together, they fight for social justice and equality, striving to bridge the gap between the head and hands of society.
Damnation is a TV show set in the 1930s that follows the story of a power struggle in a small town in Iowa. The downtrodden residents face a comic relief as they navigate the challenges of the rural setting and the struggle for money and power.
The Martins is a movie about a dysfunctional family living in a council estate. The story follows their downward spiral as they struggle with unemployment, mental illness, and low self-esteem. The protagonist, a loser with an ineptitude for life, experiences self-pity and angst. The family's circumstances are further complicated by the presence of a pregnant teenager and a child born out of wedlock. The movie explores the English culture and portrays the struggles of the downtrodden and uncultured in society.
In this heart-warming drama, a beggar and his performing dog, Flip, struggle to eke out a living upon the cruel streets. He is hired to perform at a rich kid's birthday party. There, the beggar is offered $500 for his beloved dog. He refuses and again hits the streets. Soon he becomes so impoverished that he can no longer provide food for his four-legged friend; he sells him for $20. The beggar is then beaten and robbed. Later he learns that Flip died. The man soon follows the dog to heaven where they begin performing for God.
Phil Berkowitz, a 55 year old North Beach poet and survivor of the days of wine and roses, has a stroke. Helpless, he lies in his flea bag hotel room in San Francisco’s Tenderloin until he is found by Johnny, his next door neighbor.
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