Genshiken follows the unique lives of the members of a college club called The Society for the Study of Modern Visual Culture, more commonly known as Genshiken. The club is for self-proclaimed otaku who are passionate about anime, manga, and all things related to otaku culture. The story revolves around the interactions and experiences of the club members as they navigate through their otaku lifestyle, exploring their interests, forming friendships, and facing various challenges along the way.
A project where a number of women in different costumes show their panties while they make a disgusted face.
Doujin Work follows the life of a young girl named Najimi Osana and her exposure into the doujin world. She was first tempted into becoming a doujin artist after seeing how much one of her friends can make at a convention. Najimi loves to draw, though soon learns contrary to what she expected that this new world is anything but easy. As she attends more conventions and meets more people, Najimi eventually manages to find a group of very interesting friends. These friends already have some experience in the field and help her out along the way so that she can someday make a name for herself creating doujinshi.
Otaku no Video follows the story of a young man named Kubo and his friend Tanaka, who are both hardcore otaku. As they struggle with their daily lives, they decide to create their own anime production company. The series explores their journey from being passionate fans to becoming successful entrepreneurs in the world of anime.
In 'The Violence Action (2022)', a young girl is living a dual existence as she takes on the role of a hired assassin.
For Mamoru Nekoyashiki, a dōjinshi artist, the only thing that satisfies his need for approval is to sell his original BL manga at the popular Kabesa section (a section for popular dōjinshi circles on the wall side of the venue) and be recognized by readers at the event. But then one day, something happens to him! He meets Issei Kazama, a childhood friend he once had a crush on who is now a popular up-and-coming idol. Their lives in distant worlds should never have crossed paths, but you can't take your eyes off this story of two young men growing up in each other's presence!
Kuramoto Erica, Nitta Yui, Suzuhara Misa and Sasaki Kotone are not your average school girls. They are in fact blessed with supernatural powers, which they use to defend the common people from alien creatures.
Follow the crazy adventures of the young salmon-chan (Half human/half salmon) as she tries to get eaten.
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