In Mirage, a suburban woman discovers a parallel universe through a thunderstorm and tries to change history, leading to a puzzle plot filled with time travel, alternate timelines, and nonlinear storylines.
When a woman's job is on the line, she must navigate through various mishaps and encounters on Christmas Eve. Along the way, she discovers the power of love and the role of fate in her life.
Enchantment (1948) is a melodrama about a young orphaned girl who goes through a series of events during World War Two that lead her to discover love, family relationships, and the true meaning of home. As she navigates through bombings, blackout curtains, and the hardships of war, she also discovers the power of poetry, hand-me-down clothes, and the protective role of a guardian. Along the way, she meets a British officer, an American in the UK, and learns about the complexities of male-female relationships and jealousy. With the help of her butler, uncle, and other important figures in her life, she embarks on a journey of self-discovery and finding her place in a world torn apart by war and longing for love.
One man receives an unexpected visit from a second man, with whom he reminisces about a life and love they both shared with a third.
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