In the sequel to Planet of the Apes, an astronaut crash-lands on a planet ruled by intelligent apes. He discovers a hidden underground city inhabited by mutant humans who worship a nuclear bomb. As tensions rise between the apes and the mutants, a battle for the future of Earth ensues.
Inspector Clouseau must stop a former Chief Inspector from kidnapping scientists and holding the world ransom.
Smith, a college student, finds his reality turned upside down when he becomes entangled in a series of strange events. He discovers a secret cult, gains psychic powers, and learns about an imminent doomsday. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he uncovers a conspiracy that reaches far beyond his imagination.
In the year 1993, a female scientist creates a genetically-engineered dinosaur as part of a secret government project. The dinosaur escapes from the lab and wreaks havoc on a small town, killing anyone in its path. As the town tries to survive the dinosaur's rampage, a group of survivors must find a way to stop the creature before it destroys everything in its path.
The Story of Mankind takes audiences on a captivating journey through the history of humanity, exploring the tumultuous events that have shaped civilization. From the ancient world of Egypt, Greece, and Rome, to the Medieval times and beyond, the film depicts the rise and fall of empires, the struggles of historical figures, and the influence of divine intervention. Amidst this epic backdrop, a divine council convenes to determine the fate of humanity, leading to a moral dilemma and a battle between good and evil. As the story unfolds, the fate of the world hangs in the balance, offering a thought-provoking reflection on the course of human history and the potential for salvation or condemnation.
Bugs has to defend the Earth's right to exist in an intergalactic court.
The CIA, KGB and RCMP are after a lady banker (Kidder) who has a piece of mutated microchip that engages directly with brain cells.
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