The Makioka Sisters follows four sisters, Tsuruko, Sachiko, Yukiko, and Taeko, as they navigate the intricacies of love and marriage in pre-war Japan. Tsuruko is the traditional and rigid oldest sister, Sachiko is the practical and modern second sister, Yukiko is the beautiful yet shy third sister, and Taeko is the independent and spirited youngest sister. The film explores their individual struggles and the impact of societal expectations on their lives.
In The Doll Master, a group of friends is terrorized by a haunted doll that unleashes a series of murderous events. As they try to unravel the mystery behind the doll, they soon discover a dark secret that connects them all.
Bubble is an experimental film set in a small town in Ohio, where a shy man working at a doll factory finds himself caught in a murder mystery. As the investigation unfolds, secrets are revealed, leading to a love triangle and hidden agendas. With a non-professional cast, Bubble explores themes of shyness, workplace relationships, and the subconscious.
Based upon a true story, Marg Helgenberger stars as a single mother mysteriously arrested by the FBI and separated from her children, thus beginning a 25-year struggle to be reunited with them.
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