Hey Watch This is a comedy documentary that showcases the comedic talents of Cheech Marin and Tommy Chong. The film features a compilation of sketches, stand-up performances, and concert footage from their comedy tour. With their signature marijuana-themed humor and ethnic stereotypes, the duo delivers a hilarious and entertaining experience. Prepare to laugh out loud as Cheech and Chong take you on a wild ride filled with laughter, drugs, and outrageous comedy.
Impressionistic study of the fate of a stray dog, trying to avoid the results of human indifference and cruelty.
A dog wonders what it would be like to be a cat, and imagines he goes to heaven to ask Jupiter to grant that wish. He finds nothing but hatred and violence in his feline mode.
Sadie, the most beautiful Yellow Lab in the whole wide world, lives an idyllic, pampered life in the suburbs. One day, she comes into heat and has no idea what to do with her new found feelings and urges. When she learns that her loving owners are about to have her spayed, she runs away to the big city where her sexual adventures begin.
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