In this modern-day adaptation, Lassie embarks on a journey to return to her beloved family after being separated by a financial crisis. Along the way, she encounters a traveling circus, escapes from an attempted robbery, and saves her owners from a drowning accident.
Max is inspired by a cute puppy, and gives Ko-Ko a trained dog to show off in a circus ring. The dog performs a variety of tricks, but things get out of hand once Ko-Ko's trained fleas are let loose into the crowd.
Slow-motion, reverse-motion, and trick photography adds extra amusement to scenes of galloping horses, leaping dogs, and various rodeo acts.
After stealing a man's pipe and smoking his way to the moon, Dreamy Dud decides that smoking isn't for him.
This Traveltalk series short brings us to the capital of Mexico, where we learn a little about the three million people living there. Their living quarters are viewed, as are various monuments found throughout the city, including a monument to George Washington. We also see the Museum of Fine Arts and the Washington Apartments. From here, we visit the bullfights.
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