Balto, a half-wolf half-dog, lives a peaceful life in Nome, Alaska until the town is hit by a devastating epidemic. With the help of his friends, Balto embarks on a dangerous journey to deliver the much-needed medicine and save the town.
A father and son struggle to survive in the harsh Yukon wilderness, facing comedic misadventures, blizzards, and drunkards.
Rin-Tin-Tin is saved from the beatings of a trapper by Ed Nolan, a shiftless trapper himself, and 'Rinty" follows Nolan home to his cabin but refuses to enter. Nolan takes him to the home of Mary Mallory, the girl he has failed to win as his wife because of his ways, and in their mutual love of 'Rinty," a new understanding is born and Nolan goes to work.
Man's best friend is the subject of a series of blackout gags, climaxing with the bogus heroism of a dog who travels across the country for an unexpected purpose.
George Fowler, a young man from the states, arrives at the Mias saloon, and the proprietor, "Blak Jack" Hovey, orders a saloon girl, known only as "The Flame," to fleece him. When she learns he doesn't have any money she gets him a job at a café. News of a gold strike in the Ophir area comes, and George sets out, with a dog team supplied by Flame. Meanwhile a woman comes to town, says she is Mrs. Fowler and is looking for her husband.
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