Beneath Us follows a group of undocumented workers who become trapped and held captive by a wealthy couple while trying to sell a house. As the workers struggle to escape, they face racism, violence, and the horrors of the American Dream gone wrong.
In Barracuda, a singer-songwriter from Brighton, England, returns to her hometown in Austin, Texas, to investigate the disappearance of her half-sister. As she digs deeper, she uncovers dark secrets about her family and the engagement party of her mother. With a female corpse found and a strangled woman, the mystery becomes even more intense. Along the way, she encounters a graveside ceremony, busking, and a dog stabbed, while trying to make sense of the twisted events.
Child of Rage tells the chilling true story of a 7-year-old girl named Catherine who harbors a deep psychological trauma caused by severe child abuse. As her new therapist tries to investigate and help her, he discovers the dark and disturbing secrets of Catherine's past, including her father's incestuous pedophilia. Catherine's violent and psychopathic behavior escalates, leading to a series of horrifying incidents including murder. This psychological drama explores the effects of childhood traumas and the lengths people will go to protect their dark secrets.
In 19th-century Scotland, a faithful West Highland White Terrier named Bobby embarks on a series of adventures after the death of his owner. Facing challenges such as being declared a stray dog and struggling to find a place to belong, Bobby's loyalty and courage shine through as he navigates through a changing world.
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