Osaka Elegy is a 1936 movie set in Osaka, Japan, during a time of economic hardship. It follows the story of a young woman named Ayako who is trapped in a difficult situation due to her family's financial troubles. Ayako desperately needs money and is forced to make difficult choices. The movie explores themes of poverty, seduction, and the sacrifices individuals are willing to make in order to survive.
Madame Claude is a drama-filled movie set in Paris, France in 1977. It tells the story of the titular character, a powerful and influential brothel owner who caters to the elite. The film explores Madame Claude's struggles to maintain her empire while dealing with blackmail, love affairs, and the dangerous world of prostitution. With themes of power, betrayal, and sexuality, this movie offers a captivating insight into the hidden world of high-class prostitution.
A new truant officer moves into the neighborhood, and everybody wants to get friendly with his daughter.
While his wife is away, the husband attempts to clean the house which ends up being a disaster. The house is completely destroyed by an overflowing bathtub, fire in the kitchen, feathers from the pillows everywhere, and a dog decides to chase a cat around the house wiping out what the water and fire didn't damage already.
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