The Call of the Wild (1972) is a gripping movie set in the snowy wilderness of Alaska, where a German Shepherd named Buck embarks on a thrilling adventure as a sled dog. Along the way, he faces various challenges, encounters thieves, and becomes involved in the gold rush of the Klondike. Based on a novel, this film showcases the tragedy and triumph of Buck's journey.
When a police officer falls in love with a madcap heiress, they must navigate through obstacles including sensationalism, impersonation, and yellow journalism.
The story of a champion Eskimo sled dog named Kavik who survives a plane crash in the wilds of Alaska and is found and cared for by a young boy named Andy Evans. But the dog's owner finds Kavik and takes him back to his home in Colorado where the dog escapes and embarks on a 2,000-mile odyssey in search of Andy.
It is Christmastime in America's national parks. Yosemite, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Grand Canyon National Parks each offers Christmas visitors their own unique versions of comfort, joy, and the warmth of vintage lodges during the holiday season. The festive activities and gatherings that arise within these parks at this time of year are sure to add abundant cheer to your holiday celebration.
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