Summer School (1987) follows a high school gym teacher, Freddy, who is forced to teach a remedial English class during the summer. The class is filled with a group of misfit students who have no interest in learning. As Freddy tries to teach them, he faces various challenges including a romantic rivalry, a pregnant teenager, and a vice principal who wants to see him fail. Despite the chaos, Freddy forms a bond with his students and helps them overcome their personal struggles. As the summer comes to an end, the students take a final exam and Freddy realizes that they have actually learned something.
Okkadu is a thrilling action movie centered around a courageous sportsman who gets caught in a dangerous game of cat and mouse while trying to rescue a village girl from a domineering mother and a street gang. With intense car chases, explosive fights, and unexpected twists, Okkadu keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Minnaram is a comedy-drama romance movie that revolves around love, misunderstandings, and the complexities of relationships. It tells the story of a man who finds himself caught in a web of lies and deception after his ex-girlfriend re-enters his life. As he navigates through the twists and turns, he learns valuable lessons about trust, forgiveness, and the true meaning of love.
An archaeologist at a museum scolds his small, silent dog, Shep, for supposedly removing a bone belonging to a dinosaur skeleton and orders Shep to bring the bone back, but Shep finds that the place where he buried his most recent bone has been dug up and a bulldog is walking away with the bone in his mouth. Shep chases the bulldog with intent of retrieving the bone, and so begins a battle of wits between Shep and the bulldog.
A duck hunter sends his stupid mutt to dog college, and he comes back superciliously clever.
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