Obsession is a gripping film-noir crime thriller that follows the story of an unfaithful wife, a psychiatrist, and a perfect crime. The plot takes twists and turns as the characters get entangled in a web of deceit, seduction, and murder. Set in London, the film explores themes of jealousy, unhappy marriages, and the lengths people will go to in order to satisfy their obsessions.
An orphan boy on his way to live with his uncle picks up a stray dog, and the two become fast friends. However, the uncle doesn't want the dog, and when chickens are found dead, the uncle accuses the dog of killing them. The boy decides that it's time he and the dog hit the road so they run away, and meet up with an elderly man who also ran away from a home where he believed he wasn't wanted either.
Daredevil flyer David flirts with a waitress. An orphan accidentally takes off in a biplane requiring an aerial rescue. The villain reports a fake robbery and turns the orphan in to welfare workers, but a loyal dog saves the day.
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