In this animated comedy, a clever fox tries to outwit a group of hunters who are after him. The fox uses various tricks and disguises to avoid capture, leading to hilarious and chaotic situations. Will the fox be able to outsmart the hunters or will they finally catch him? Find out in this fun-filled adventure.
Honey is trying to teach violin to a difficult pupil who hates music. She call Bosko over. The pair sing and dance and play music while the kitten continues to express its disdain.
A wacky travelogue takes us to the forests of Yosemite, the rocks of Brice Canyon, the frozen wastes of Alaska, the desert wastes of New Mexico, the Grand Canyon, the Colorado River and the giant redwoods of California.
Station ABC broadcasts the Toyland Revue, featuring music from baby-doll singers, a roly-poly bandleader, a jack-in-the-box crooner, a wind-up music box and more.
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