The Story of Three Loves is an anthology film that explores various stories of love and passion. Each story is unique and showcases different aspects of relationships, including unrequited love, mentor-protege relationships, and supernatural powers. The film features an ensemble cast and takes the audience on a journey through different settings such as a circus, a ship, and a theater. With elements of drama, fantasy, music, and romance, this film captures the complexities of human emotions and the power of love.
In a society where heterosexuals are persecuted and abortion is forbidden, two teens are forced to hide an unintended pregnancy before their secret romance is exposed.
Johnny is a hypochondriac and he spends all of his time fussing over his health instead of paying attention to his lovely wife. The wife and the family doctor pretend he is going to die -- and behave in a heartless fashion that gets him to lose his temper and get out of his sickbed forever.
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