Doctor Who is a long-running TV show that follows the adventures of the Doctor, a Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey who can regenerate into a new form when mortally wounded. The Doctor travels through time and space in a time machine called the TARDIS, which appears as a blue police box. Along the way, the Doctor encounters various alien creatures and threats, often accompanied by a human companion.
The Doctor and his companion travel across time and space encountering incredible friends and foes.
Join the Doctor Who after party where superfans Rove McManus, Tegan Higginbotham, Adam Richard & Steven O'Donnell discuss the latest episodes, answer your questions and basically geek out about Doctor Who.
Doctor Who Extra brings you unprecedented access to the making of Doctor Who... Featuring interviews with Peter Capaldi and Jenna Coleman, it's the ultimate backstage pass!
Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.
Takes viewers on a journey through time and space to relive all the action from the sci-fi show, featuring exclusive interviews with key actors offering unique insights on the classic moments.
The Doctor, a time-traveling alien explorer, is sent by his people, the Time Lords, to liberate a small town in England from the tyrannical rule of a race of alien lava creatures called the Shalka.
In Doctor Who (1996), the Eighth Doctor crash-lands the TARDIS in San Francisco on December 30, 1999, where he is shot by a gang member and taken to a hospital. He regenerates into the new Doctor, but suffers from amnesia due to anesthesia. Meanwhile, the Master, a rival Time Lord, is resurrected and plans to use the Doctor's remaining regenerations for his own survival. The Doctor must stop the Master's plan and prevent the destruction of the universe.
In the dystopian future of 2150, London is under alien invasion by the Daleks. A thief is captured by the ruthless alien race and is imprisoned. He must find a way to escape and join forces with a group of resistance fighters to save his city from utter destruction.
Dr. Who and the Daleks is a campy and low-budget sci-fi adventure film released in 1965. It is based on the British TV series Doctor Who and follows the Doctor and his granddaughter as they travel through time and space in their time machine, the TARDIS. They encounter the evil Daleks, a race of mutant aliens who are hell-bent on exterminating all other forms of life. With the help of their eccentric inventor friend, they must stop the Daleks and save the universe.
Doctor Who: Dreamland (2009) follows the tenth Doctor on a thrilling adventure as he investigates a mysterious crashed spaceship in the desert town of Roswell, New Mexico. With the help of his new companion Cassie, the Doctor must uncover the truth behind the alien presence and prevent an impending disaster.
The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot is a comedy movie released in 2013. It features actors from the popular TV show Doctor Who in a self-mocking and tongue-in-cheek story. The movie pays tribute to the long-running series and includes various in-jokes and references to Doctor Who characters. The plot revolves around the actors' attempts to be included in the show's 50th-anniversary special despite not being cast.
A web series made to promote the second series of Doctor Who in 2006. Each episode acts as a prequel to the events of the corresponding episode.
The Doctor and Martha explore the galaxy, encountering a despot on a prison planet and uncovering a sinister plot.
Doctor Who: Shada (2017) is a science fiction film filled with adventure and drama. The plot follows the iconic Doctor Who character as he embarks on a thrilling time-travel journey.
In this non-canon, special episode of Doctor Who, the Doctor faces off against his arch-nemesis, The Master, in a spoof-filled adventure filled with self-referential humor and satire. With his female companion by his side, the Doctor travels through time and space in his iconic TARDIS, encountering aliens, time machines, and even a castle. This charity-driven comedy sketch showcases the iconic Doctor Who characters in a unique and funny way.
All of the Doctor's incarnations are in crisis when The Rani creates a time-loop in the East-end of London in this 30th Anniversary Special.
The very first crew of the TARDIS land in a petrified forest on an alien planet. Determined to explore, the Doctor leads his companions into the metal city, where they discover danger at every corner and what will become his deadliest enemy... the mutant Daleks. It's time to encounter the Daleks once again, but this time in a way you've never seen them before. Originally transmitted in December 1963 to February 1964, the seven original episodes of the first Dalek story have received a cosmic makeover, dazzlingly colourised and woven together into a 75-minute blockbuster with brand-new sound and a brand-new score created by Mark Ayres. The Daleks has been gloriously updated, whilst ensuring the original story remains as thrilling as it was in 1963.
30 Years in the TARDIS is a documentary film that takes the viewers on a journey through the rich history of Doctor Who. It explores the various characters, creatures, and adventures that have captivated audiences for three decades. The film combines archive footage, reenactments, and interviews to provide a comprehensive look at the beloved sci-fi series.