A Goofy Movie follows the story of Max, a teenager who is excited about his last day of school and the upcoming summer vacation. However, his plans are interrupted when his father, Goofy, decides to take him on a cross-country trip. Along the way, they encounter various hilarious mishaps and adventures, including getting their car stuck in water and camping encounters with Bigfoot. The movie explores themes of father-son relationships, first love, and the importance of family.
In Vehicle 19, an ex-convict unwittingly becomes involved in a conspiracy when he picks up a rental vehicle that contains evidence of corruption. As he tries to deliver the evidence to the American embassy, he is pursued by corrupt police officers and becomes the prime suspect in a murder case. With time running out and his life on the line, he must navigate through the dangerous streets of Johannesburg, South Africa, to prove his innocence and expose the truth.
Alexander and his family go through a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day filled with mishaps and bad luck. From birthday party disasters to job interviews gone wrong, they must find a way to turn their luck around.
Ghost Stories is a 2017 movie based on a play. It follows a professor who is known for debunking paranormal activity, but he is forced to reconsider his beliefs when he receives a supernatural challenge. The professor delves into a series of ghost stories, each with its own unique twist and horrifying creatures. As he investigates, he becomes consumed by guilt and faces the terrifying truth behind his skepticism.
In 'Hog Wild,' Laurel and Hardy are tasked with fixing a radio antenna but end up causing chaos with their clumsiness. From falling off a roof to getting set on fire, their misadventures lead to hilarious consequences.
A murderer goes after a female attorney when he thinks that she has witnessed one of his killings.
Eve has married the man of her dreams but when they return to live in the house willed to him by his first wife who died under horrific circumstances, it becomes a waking nightmare as Eve falls into a spiral of suspicion and madness.
Billy Gilbert and Vince Barnett moved over to the remnants of the Christie Brothers for a series of short subjects in which they played variations on Laurel & Hardy. Here, in this short subject, they get hired to run a used car lot and steal a car for James Morton.
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