The Russian Woodpecker is a documentary that explores the investigation into the mysterious radio signal known as the Russian Woodpecker. This signal, believed to be a Soviet secret weapon, was heard all around the world during the Cold War. The film follows Ukrainian artist Fedor Alexandrovich, who believes there is a connection between the signal and the Chernobyl disaster. As he delves deeper into the history and secrets of the Soviet Union, Fedor uncovers a web of intrigue and conspiracy.
The Leaving of Liverpool is a historical drama film set during World War II in Liverpool, England. The movie follows the life of a displaced child who struggles with juvenile delinquency and the hardships of being an orphan. The protagonist, a schoolgirl, experiences corporal punishment and self-inflicted injuries as she navigates the challenges of war-torn Liverpool. The movie explores themes of resilience, loss, and the power of self-redemption.
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