Set over one summer, six-year-old Moonee courts mischief with her playmates and bonds with her rebellious mother, all while living in the shadows of Walt Disney World. They navigate poverty, friendship, innocence, and the challenges of being an unfit mother. Along the way, they encounter characters like Bobby, the caring motel manager, and Jancey, Moonee's best friend. Their adventures culminate in a visit to Walt Disney World, where Moonee finds solace in the Magic Kingdom castle. The Florida Project explores the struggles and resilience of a marginalized community.
Jim Brickman performs his beautiful piano renditions of favorite Disney classics. Performances are accompanied by vocal performances of Wayne Brady, Michael Bolton, Lila McCann, and Linda Eder.
Donald Duck travels through musical scenes from various Disney classics.
Magic Journeys: A 3-D Film Fantasy takes viewers on a whimsical adventure filled with magic, imagination, and breathtaking sights. Follow a group of children as they explore a world where anything is possible, encountering stiltwalkers, acrobats, and even tightrope walkers. With stunning visuals and enchanting music, this film transports audiences to a land of dreams and possibilities.
Join us on a magical journey through Walt Disney World, where you'll discover the wonders of Disney's Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Epcot, and Animal Kingdom.
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