Stitch! is the anime adaptation of the animated feature film Lilo & Stitch and the successor for the Lilo & Stitch series by Walt Disney Animation Studios. It takes place after leroy and stitch and debuted in Japan on October 2008. The show features a Japanese girl named Yuna in place of Lilo, and is set on a fictional island in the Ryukyus off the shore of Okinawa instead of Hawaii. The island is called Izayoi. A second anime season, called Stitch! ~The Mischievous Alien's Great Adventure! began airing in Japan on October 13, 2009. A third yet different series from the first two season anime, entitled Stitch! ~Best Friends Forever~ aired on TV Asahi on July 6, 2010. The first season began airing under the English language on the Australian Disney Channel on 4 December 2009, and went to also air in English later on Disney Channel Asia December 19, 2009. The first season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on May 2, 2010, in Latin Spanish dub. The Second season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on June 6, 2011. The Third Season premiered on Disney Channel Latin America on August 20, 2012.
Author P.L. Travers reflects on her childhood after reluctantly meeting with Walt Disney, who seeks to adapt her Mary Poppins books for the big screen. Through flashbacks, we see Travers' close relationship with her alcoholic father and the inspiration for many of the characters in her books. In Los Angeles, Travers clashes with Disney and his creative team over their interpretation of her work. However, as she begins to confront her painful memories, Travers slowly opens up and ultimately grants Disney the film rights.
After Life follows a man who dies and enters a way-station where he must choose a single memory to take with him into eternity. Set in Tokyo, Japan, the film explores themes of memory, remembrance, and the importance of human connection. Through the process of selecting their memories, the characters learn to find beauty and meaning in the transient nature of life.
Exit Through the Gift Shop is a documentary about Thierry Guetta, a French immigrant living in Los Angeles who becomes obsessed with filming every aspect of his life. Through his cousin, who is a street artist, Thierry meets and eventually becomes friends with some of the biggest names in street art, including Banksy. Thierry decides to become a street artist himself, adopting the moniker Mr. Brainwash. The film explores the world of street art and the blurred line between art and commerce.
Saint☆Young Men is a comedy anime movie about Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha, who decide to take a vacation on Earth. They choose to live together as roommates in an apartment and experience various adventures and challenges in modern-day Japan. The movie showcases their hilarious and unique interactions with the world as they navigate through daily life and encounter funny situations. With their contrasting personalities and perspectives, Jesus and Buddha bring humor and joy to their surroundings while also learning valuable lessons about humanity and friendship.
Captain EO (1986) follows the story of a spaceship captain and his crew who crash-land on a strange planet and must use their musical talents to bring happiness and unity to the inhabitants.
Waking Sleeping Beauty is a documentary film that explores the dramatic and inspiring story of the revival of Disney Animation Studios in the 1980s. The film delves into the internal struggles, artistic accomplishments, and corporate politics that shaped the studio during this time of renewal. It showcases the talents and contributions of key individuals, as well as the challenges they faced, including the AIDS crisis and the death of a coworker. Through a combination of interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and archival material, Waking Sleeping Beauty provides a compelling insight into the triumphs and tribulations of the creative process in the animation industry.
Escape from Tomorrow is a surreal and dark comedy that follows a middle-aged man who, while on vacation with his family at Disneyland, slowly descends into madness. As he navigates the theme park, he experiences hallucinations, gets fired from his job, encounters a sexy nurse, and faces various surreal and unsettling situations. The film explores themes of disillusionment, adultery, and the blurred line between fantasy and reality.
Two-part documentary series about the life and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring archival footage only recently released from the Disney vaults, alongside scenes from some of his greatest films.
Walt Disney, one of the ultimate dreamers, used his uninhibited imagination and determination to create what became the springboard for all of the Walt Disney Company's spirited and wildly successful creativity that followed -- his crowning achievement: Disneyland. Acclaimed actor Harrison Ford, who portrays Han Solo in the Star Wars film franchise, will give viewers an exclusive preview of Star Wars-themed lands being developed at Disneyland and Walt Disney World Resorts. New details of the ambitious plans to bring Star Wars to life at both resorts will be revealed during the show, with Master of Ceremonies Derek Hough.
When a man with gambling debts is entrusted to take care of an orphaned girl, he must navigate a series of comedic obstacles, including a trip to Disneyland, to keep his promise and solve his financial problems.
Celebration of Disneyland's 35th Anniversary
An exploration of the life and career of Walt Disney, the visionary behind beloved characters and theme parks.
Join us as we explore the history and magic of Disneyland through interviews, behind-the-scenes footage, and nostalgic memories. Experience the joy and wonder of the iconic amusement park as we celebrate its monumental milestone.
Dumb: The Story of Big Brother Magazine is a documentary that explores the rise and fall of the influential skateboarding magazine, Big Brother. It delves into the magazine's provocative content and its impact on skateboarding culture, as well as the struggles and controversies faced by its creators and contributors. The film showcases the magazine's irreverent and often controversial humor, along with its role in pushing the boundaries of skateboarding and youth culture.
A home movie made by Robbins and Meg Barstow that documents their family's free trip to the newly opened Disneyland. The one-week trip was a prize that they won in a contest sponsored by Scotch tape.
A look into the underground community of rule-breakers at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida and how their actions led to the disappearance of an Audio-Animatronic named Buzzy.
Disney's Sing-Along Songs: Disneyland Fun takes you on a magical journey through the world-renowned Disneyland park. Join your favorite Disney characters as they sing and dance their way through iconic attractions, enchanted woods, and whimsical parades. From Splash Mountain to the Haunted Mansion, this musical adventure is full of joy, laughter, and unforgettable memories.
Lavell is back home in St. Louis discussing every holiday from what Christmas was like when he was a kid, to the guilt everyone feels on Mother's Day, to Thanksgiving and his family trips to Disneyland.
In a Walt Disney Family Museum original production directed by Don Hahn, view Disney family home movies and holiday segments from Walt’s shorts and feature films as Walt’s daughter, Diane, shares her Christmas memories alongside Disney family home movies, holiday segments classic Disney films, and vintage Disneyland footage.