Radio is a heartwarming film based on the true story of James Robert Kennedy, a mentally disabled man who becomes an integral part of a high school football team in South Carolina. Despite facing discrimination and prejudice, Radio wins the hearts of the players and the community as he learns the game of football and inspires his team to greatness.
A foreign taxi driver in Japan named Gaijin becomes entangled in a dangerous revenge plot when he picks up a mysterious passenger. As he delves deeper into the world of crime and intrigue, Gaijin must navigate the unfamiliar streets of Tokyo and confront his own limitations as he seeks justice. Along the way, he encounters a forbidden romance and uncovers long-hidden secrets that could change everything.
Broken Wings (2002) is a drama movie that follows an Israeli teenager as she navigates the challenges of life after the sudden death of her father. The film explores themes of loss, family relationships, and the will to live in the face of despair. Set in Haifa, Israel, the story delves into the protagonist's journey of growing up, facing disillusionment, and finding hope amidst the overwhelming sense of disenchantment. Through her experiences, she learns to cope with depression and discovers the power of music as a source of solace. As a single mother, her mother also struggles with bereavement and works as a nurse to support the family. The movie portrays the deep emotional impact of the loss of a loved one and the hardships faced by a dysfunctional family.
Journalist Aran Tori travels across Britain tracking down the nation's Far Right Extremists. The combination of BREXIT and Donald Trump presidency has empowered the Ultra Nationalist cause, leaving communities more divided than ever. Aran enters the world of White Nationalism with a friendly curiosity and open approach, reflecting on his own beliefs of British identity.
Generation Now follows the lives of a group of young individuals who navigate through troubled youth, drug use, and disenfranchisement in San Francisco. The story explores themes of friendship, first love, and the challenges faced by the generation of today.
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