The series is based on the manga Tokusatsu Gagaga, a comedy manga by Tanba Niwa. Tokusatsu Gagaga series follows Kano Nakamura, an office lady played by Fuka Koshiba, who is secretly a tokusatsu otaku, a toku-ota. She lives her life by the code of tokusatsu heroes and often envisions herself as one as a means to make it through her daily struggles.
Something in the Rain is a TV show that tells the story of a forbidden love between an older woman and a younger man. The plot revolves around their struggles with societal judgment, workplace abuse, and disapproving family members. The relationship is filled with steamy kisses and melodrama, while also addressing serious issues like sexual harassment.
Parental Control is a reality TV show where parents try to find the perfect match for their children by setting them up on blind dates. The parents are often overly protective and use the show as a way to assert control over their children's dating lives. Each episode features a different set of parents and their attempts to find a suitable partner for their son or daughter. The show is filled with comedy, drama, and awkward moments.
While undergoing open-heart surgery, a man becomes conscious but paralyzed, witnessing a plot to kill him. He must find a way to communicate and stop the murder before it's too late.
Latter Days is a heartwarming story about a gay man named Christian who falls in love with a closeted Mormon missionary named Aaron. As their relationship develops, both men are faced with the challenges of reconciling their sexuality with their faith.
Love of Siam is a beautiful drama set in Bangkok, Thailand. It revolves around the lives of two childhood friends, Mew and Tong, who reunite after many years. As they navigate through their teenage years, they discover their true selves and face the challenges of love, loss, and acceptance. The film explores themes of family relationships, LGBTQ+ struggles, and the power of music. With a mix of romance, mystery, and emotional depth, Love of Siam is a touching coming-of-age tale that will leave you pondering on the complexities of life and love.
Girl Play is a romantic comedy based on a true story. It follows the journey of two women who, after meeting in a mountain cabin, start flirting and eventually fall in love. The movie explores the challenges they face in their troubled marriages, their coming out experiences, and their journey towards self-acceptance and happiness. With humorous moments and heartfelt conversations, Girl Play tells the story of a lesbian relationship that transcends societal expectations.
After a series of disappointments, Stella decides to take a vacation in Jamaica. There, she meets and falls in love with a younger man, prompting her to reevaluate her life and rediscover her true self.
The Truth About Jane is a movie about a 16-year-old girl named Jane who is starting to realize that she is a lesbian. She struggles with coming out to her overprotective mother and dealing with homophobia from her peers. Jane finds support and guidance from her girlfriend, her PFLAG meetings, and her lesbian teacher. The movie explores themes of self-discovery, acceptance, and the complexities of teenage relationships.
My Life in Pink (1997) tells the story of Ludovic, a 7-year-old boy who identifies as a girl. Facing ostracism and homophobia from the people around him, Ludovic tries to navigate the complexities of gender identity and societal expectations. The film explores themes of innocence, family relationships, and the challenges of growing up in a world that is often intolerant of differences.
In the poverty-stricken housing projects of Caracas, a young boy with curly hair named Junior deals with the struggles of growing up. He is raised by his single mother, who has a difficult time accepting his effeminacy. Junior faces homophobia and judgment from his peers but finds solace in his friendship with a gay neighbor. As he navigates the complexities of his upbringing, he becomes obsessed with straightening his hair and enters a beauty pageant. The film explores themes of identity, poverty, and the battle of wills between Junior and his disapproving mother.
19-year-old Lola James is trying to work to save enough money to get her beloved little brother, Arlo, out of their toxic home. Until one tragic night, when her whole world gets uprooted. From that moment on, nothing will ever be the same.
Restricted to bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy, Rachel sees things in a different light with her neighbor Sandy. Is Rachel going stir crazy with increasing paranoia or is her unborn child what Sandy truly desires?
Return to Peyton Place follows the lives and scandals of the residents of a small town. It explores themes of small-town drama, romantic jealousy, and family relationships. Based on the novel, the movie delves into the disapproving and manipulative mother-daughter relationships, secrets, infidelity, and the class-consciousness prevalent in the town. Set in New York City, the story revolves around an ensemble cast and the conflicts they face within their relationships. The movie portrays the dynamics of a matriarchal family, and the struggles of the characters living on the wrong side of the tracks. With its themes of possessive and evil mothers, the narrative exposes the religious hypocrisy and romantic rivalries prevalent in the town.
Teddy Bear tells the story of a 38-year-old bodybuilder who travels to Thailand in search of love. Shy and introverted, he struggles to break free from the bonds of his overbearing mother and find a meaningful connection. Along the way, he navigates the complexities of relationships, sex tourism, and societal expectations. Will he find the love and acceptance he desires?
Heartland (2016) is a heartfelt drama set in Oklahoma, exploring themes of family relationships, disapproving mothers, and the complexities of love. The story revolves around a lesbian woman who finds herself torn between her cheating girlfriend and a potential new love interest. As her world is rocked by a series of events, including a death and a tornado warning, she must navigate the challenging landscapes of both her personal and romantic life.
Set in the 19th century, a biracial woman named Cecile fights against racial prejudice and social injustice in her pursuit of love and equality.
Two adventurous women in love are desperate to have their own biological child. They take a chance on an experimental scientific process and make sperm from their own stem cells. Pregnant with humor and unexpected twists, their journey ultimately confirms that all life is a gift and all families are crazy.
Act of Will is a 1989 mini-series directed by Don Sharp. It the third mini series based on a Barbara Taylor Bradford novel he had directed and was an early lead role for Elizabeth Hurley.
A 17-year-old high-school senior marries a 20-something law student who works as a waiter. Who said marriage was bliss?