The Waterdance is a heartfelt drama/romance movie that tells the story of a young man who becomes paralyzed after a tragic accident. The film follows his experiences in a rehabilitation center and explores his struggles, triumphs, and relationships during his recovery. It is based on a true story.
The Raging Moon is a touching drama that follows the story of two disabled individuals who find love and happiness despite the challenges they face. Set in a nursing home, the film explores themes of disability, romance, and the power of human connection. As they navigate the ups and downs of their relationship, the protagonists discover that love knows no bounds.
In this explicit sex education film based on clinical research made by American and Swedish doctors, a panel of experts in the field of sex education discuss various aspects of human sexuality. The film deals with and demonstrates all kinds of problems related to sexual relationships.
Seven women share what improved their experience of orgasms.
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