Follow the Money (2016) is a captivating Nordic noir crime drama series that follows the intertwining lives of a corporate lawyer, a mechanic, a police detective, and an ex-convict as they get entangled in a web of financial crimes, money trails, and corruption. Set in Denmark, the series delves into the dark underbelly of capitalism, greed, and corporate crime, while highlighting the challenges faced by a single parent with sclerosis and the pursuit of renewable energy.
In the picturesque island of Cuyo, Palawan, an illegal Taiwanese fishing vessel docks carrying the fisherman named Muo Sei, a man looking for something or someone with the name Ploning. He has from sunrise to sundown to look for this "Ploning".
Door To Door is a heartwarming drama based on a true story about Bill Porter, a door-to-door salesman with cerebral palsy who overcomes physical challenges and societal prejudice to become a successful salesperson. The movie follows Bill as he faces various obstacles, including his disability, the loss of his mother, and struggles with his love interest. Through determination and perseverance, Bill manages to build meaningful connections with his customers and inspire those around him.
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