Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules follows the Heffley brothers as they navigate sibling rivalry, school, and hilarious mishaps. Greg Heffley must deal with his older brother Rodrick, whose reckless behavior often lands them both in trouble. From a talent show disaster to a viral video gone wrong, Greg's life is filled with comedic chaos.
When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
When theatrical producer Robert Chandler (E. Alyn Warren), believed drowned in a fishing accident, turns up as a lonely, broken amnesiac three months later, he arrives just in time to see his actress wife Carol Chandler (Claire Windsor), thought to be a widow, marrying her leading man Jimmy Keane (John Bowers). Rather than mar her new-found happiness, he takes a job washing cars. New York City is a small town. Will Carol need her car washed?
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